




Colourful Olympic Games five rings signs , the continent representing five respectively,\x0d\blue is Europe , \x0d\black is Africa , \x0d\red is America , \x0d\the yellow is Asia , \x0d\green is Australia.


The Olympic Rings

"These five rings -- blue, yellow, black, green and red -- represent the five parts of the world now encompassed by Olympism and ready to compete against each other. Moreover, the six colours (including the white background) thus combined represent those of all nations, without exception. The blue and yellow of Sweden, the blue and white of Greece, the French, English, American, German, Belgian, Italian and Hungarian tricolours, the yellow and red of Spain are side by side with the new Brazilian and Australian flags, the old Japan and the new China. It is a true international emblem."

Coubertin (Selected Writings II, p. 460, 1913).

As an image of Olympism, Coubertin thought the rings had deep significance: that of the union between men. He multiplied the image to create a total of five rings. He designed and commissioned the Olympic flag to mark the 20th anniversary of the IOC's founding, on 23rd June 1914 in Paris. Coubertin never said nor wrote that he saw a link between the colours of the rings and the continents. For him, the five rings represented the union of the five continents, but the colours were merely those that eared in all the different national flags at the time.

-- The results of a survey carried out in six countries (Australia, Germany, India, Japan, Great Britain and the USA) in 1995 showed that 92% of those questioned correctly identified the Olympic rings, which made them the most-recognised symbol. They were followed by the McDonald's and Shell emblems (88%), Mercedes (74%) and the United Nations (36%). (SRI Sponsorship Research International).

-- 86% of those questioned associated the Olympic rings with the world's greatest sports event: the Olympic Games. (SRI Sponsorship Research International, 1995).





奥运会五环旗的含义 : 在每届奥林匹克运动会开幕时,运动场中间都要高高地悬挂一面奥林匹克旗帜,这面白色无边旗中间有五个圆环组成的图案。这是根据现代奥林匹克运动会创始人皮埃尔·德·顾拜旦男爵的建议和构思制作的。








后来又将5 个不同颜色的圆环解释奥运五环

也称为奥林匹克环,从左至右为天蓝、黄、黑、绿、红五色。这个标志是第一届现代奥运会上,由顾拜旦提议设计的,起初的设计理念是它能够概括会员国国旗的颜色,但以后对这五种颜色又有其他的解释。19年国际奥委会出版的《奥林匹克评论》(第四十期)强调,五环的含义是“象征五大洲的团结,全世界的运动员以公正、坦率的比赛和友好的精神,在奥运会上相见”。 为五大洲的象征.


说起五环的来历,曾经有过这样一个有趣的故事。 1936年第11届柏林奥运会第一次举行火炬传递活动,火炬的传递路线自奥林匹亚开始,从希腊北部出境,沿多瑙河穿过奥地利,最后进入德国。为了烘托这一具有象征意义的活动,奥运会组委会卡尔·迪姆及其同事几乎完全按照古奥运会的情景来布置沿途经过的古希腊遗址。火炬到达德尔菲帕那萨斯山的古代运动场时要举行一个特别仪式,这时,迪姆突发奇想,在一个高约3英尺的长方形石头的四面设计并刻上了现代奥林匹克运动的五环标志,放在了古运动场的起跑线一端。仪式结束后,火炬继续北上,而这块作为道具的石头却被留在了古运动场。



19 年6 月,国际奥委会正式宣布了会旗和五环的含义:根据《奥林匹克宪章》,奥林匹克旗帜和5 个圆环的含义是:象征五大洲的团结以及全世界运动员以公正、坦率的比赛和友好的精神在奥运会上相见。 奥运五环标志含义和五环标志





《奥林匹克宪章》规定,奥林匹克标志、奥林匹克旗、奥林匹克格言和奥林匹克会歌的产权属于国际奥委会专有。国际奥委会可取一切适当措施使奥林匹克标志、旗、格言和会歌在各国和国际上获得法律保护。为了加强对奥林匹克知识产权和奥林匹克标志的保护,保障和维护奥林匹克知识产权人和奥林匹克标志权利人的合法权益,我国先后颁布了《北京市奥林匹克知识产权保护规定》(2001年10月11日北京市令第85号发布)和《奥林匹克标志保护条例》(2002年2 月4日中华人民共和国院令第345号发布)。






奥运五环英语是:Olympic rings。









奥林匹克旗帜的五环象征五大洲和全世界的运动员在奥运会上相聚一堂,充分体现了奥林匹克主义的内容," 所有国家—一所有民族"的“奥林匹大家庭"主题。



奥林匹克五环标志(Olympic Logo /Symbole Olympique/Olympic Rings)是由皮埃尔·德·顾拜旦先生于1913年构思设计的,是由《奥林匹克宪章》确定的,也被称为奥运五环标志,它是世界范围内最为人们广泛认知的奥林匹克运动会。


1914年在巴黎召开的庆祝奥运会复兴20周年的奥林匹克全会上,顾拜旦先生解释了他对标志的设计思想:“五环——蓝、黄、绿、红和黑环,象征世界上承认奥林匹克运动,并准备参加奥林匹克竞赛的五大洲,(天蓝色代表欧洲,**代表亚洲,黑色代表非洲,草绿色代表大洋洲,红色代表美洲)第六种颜色白色——旗帜的底色,意指所有国家都毫无例外地能在自己的旗帜下参加比赛。”因此,作为奥运会象征、相互环扣 。一起的5个圆环,便体现了顾拜旦提出的可以吸收殖民地民族参加奥运会,为各民族间的和平事业服务的思想。


Of the Olympic symbols (Olympic Logo/Symbole Olympique/Olympic Rings) by Mr Pierre DE coubertin in 1913 conceptual design, is determined by the Olympic charter, also known as the Olympic Rings Logo, it is the world's most widely cognitive Olympic games Logo. It is composed of five Olympic rings socket, there are blue, yellow, black, green and red five kinds of color. Ring from left to right, each socket, the above is blue, black and red rings, below are yellow, green ring. The whole plastic for a small rules at the bottom of the ladder.

The Olympic Games originated from ancient Greece, ancient Greece is a myth kingdom, about the origin of the Olympic Games, nature and mythology, folklore is inseparable.

About the legend of the origin of the ancient Olympic Games, there are many, the main has the following two kinds: one is the ancient Olympic Games was held on a regular basis for sacrifice Zeus sport activities. Another kind of legend and Zeus's son hercules. Hercules by his great strength and clinking "hercules" laudatory name. He accomplished the impossible in elis polis, less than half a day time then cleaned the king with cow dung in the bullpen, but the king didn't want to fulfill the promise to give three hundred head of cattle, in hercules flay away the king. In order to celebrate the victory, he held a sports meeting at Olympia.

The story about the origin of ancient Olympic Games the most popular is the story of the ms pelosi at staples and wed. The king of elis in ancient Greece in order to give her daughter to pick a military both xu, persons must play their chariots are put forward. Game, there are thir young died under the king's spear, and 14 junior is the son of Zeus and princess sweetheart pelosi staples. In the light of love, he accepted the king's challenge brely, finally win by wisdom. In order to celebrate the victory, pelosi staples and princess temple gate of Zeus in Olympia held a grand wedding, arranged at the meeting the chariots, pancratium match, this is the first ancient Olympic Games, ms pelosi's became the legendary founder of the ancient Olympic Games.

In fact, the origin of the Olympic Games is closely related to the social conditions of ancient Greece. Nine to the 8th century BC, Greece clan society gradually disintegrated, the city-state system's sle society formed gradually, has established more than two hundred city-state. Polis fragmented, without a unified monarchy, between the city-state wars. To cope with the war, the city actively training soldiers. Sparta city-state children raised by the state since the age of seven, and engaged in sports, military training, military life. War needs soldiers, soldiers need strong body, and sports is to develop the powerful tools for the effective soldiers. War promoted the Greek sports development, the ancient Olympic Games also he obvious military brand.

Continuous war makes people feel disgusted, generally eager to he a rely on to recuperate environment of peace. Later, the king and the Erie, Sparta king signed "sacred truce month" treaty. So, to be men of military training and sports competition, gradually become of peace and friendship games.


奥林匹克标志 (Olympic Logo /Symbole Olympique/Olympic Rings)是由皮埃尔·德·顾拜旦先生于1913年构思设计的,是由《奥林匹克宪章》确定的,也被称为奥运五环标志,它是世界范围内最为人们广泛认知的奥林匹克运动会标志。它由5个奥林匹克环套接组成,有蓝、黄、黑、绿、红5种颜色。环从左到右互相套接,上面是蓝、黑、红环,下面是是黄、绿环。整个造形为一个底部小的规则梯形。  古希腊是一个神话王国,优美动人的神话故事和曲折离奇的民间传说,为古奥运会的起源蒙上一层神秘的色彩。有关古代奥运会的起源的传说有很多,最主要的有以下两种:一是古代奥林匹克运动会是为祭祀宙斯而定期举行的体育竞技活动。古代奥林匹克运动会是一种运动和宗教性的庆典。从公元前776年至公元393年它一直在古希腊城市奥林匹亚举行,在那里曾举行了292届古代奥林匹克运动会。  另一种传说与宙斯的儿子赫拉克勒斯有关。赫拉克勒斯因力大无比获“大力神”的美称。